Sunday, October 20, 2019

#8  Community Mennonite Church
328 West Orange Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Visit on: July 14, 2019

CMCL’s Use of their facility in Lancaster City:

Perhaps it was because I was sitting with a friend, Susan King, or the soft white lighting that filled the room, or the myriad of green colors woven into the hand-stitched quilt that gracefully hung on the wall behind the pulpit, the comfort in the cushioned chairs or the delicately swooshing sound of knitting needles employed by the skilled hands of a woman sitting behind me that brought me away from my rushing world, into a peaceful place of spiritual worship.  All those things played their part, indeed. But I believe it was the single acoustic guitar that began to play - behind me - so I was not distracted by watching the instrumentalist - then in chorus one female and one male voice in song “Thy will be done... on earth as it is in heaven… Give us this day our daily bread..” I found my spirit lifting, my voice softly singing the words the Lord's prayer. This movement brought peace to my heart and to those around me.  

The worship leader symbolized this inner peace by transferring a glowing flame to the peace lamp on the wall.  I have one of those “dancing flame” lamps made by the hands of June Keener-Wink. It is one of the few treasures I own, that bring me closer to God by just looking at it.  “Storms are raging - we seek peace - and we are not alone.” are the words spoken beginning our worship time together. I’m fully engaged.  

The four part harmony hymn singing “Holy Spirit Come with Power” HWB #26 invites the Holy Spirit into the sanctuary with us.  God’s spirit is palpable. It’s reminiscent of my home church, Akron Mennonite, from where this church began! The story of their history here:

Children’s story is led by Amanda Stoltzfus.  She talked to the children about family reunions, much like that of the recent Mennonite Convention she has just returned from with 19 youth and 11 other adults - MennoCon19.  She brought back with her a new rendition of the song “A River of Life” with newly adapted sounds and hand motions.  

Delegates, Susan Gasho-Cooke and Leslie Homer-Cattell, shared their highlights from MennoCon19.  One highlight was the approval for youth to now be a part of the delegate voting and decision-making process involved in future conventions.   Another was the progress The Pink Mennos have made finding their way as a part of the Mennonite family .  see a reflection from Joanne Gallardo, pastor of faith formation at Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship in Goshen, Indiana here:

Amanda then shared with the senior youth about the impact of roughly 3,000 Mennonites can have when gathered (July 2-6) in Kansas City, Missouri as a people seeking to be Anabaptist peacemakers in the 21st century.  She narrated their reflections through pictures and stories some live others in video.  Connections were made with God through worship, with each other through small group time, and with the denomination through educational seminars and interactive workshops.  See more highlights here:

Even though Pastor Susan shortened the sermon (500 words) there was a profound takeaway.  It is a priority for this church to be involved, support and educate themselves and others about the LGBTQ+ community.  

CMCL is a welcoming community.  But, there’s a difference in their welcoming approach. They are intentionally inclusive

Both individually and as a congregation, CMCL members passionately interact with those on the margins.  They educate themselves to be engaged in healthy, supportive ways. They seek out and njurture relationships.  They extend their church family by extending God’s love that knows no boundaries.  

The process of being intentionally inclusive, involves taking a closer look at what we may not understand or know to be a part of us.  I recently read an article written by Shane Claiborne quoting a book that recently inspired him. “Proximity changes our perspective, compels our response, and keeps us committed to the journey of pursuing justice for all.”  The Power of Proximity, Moving Beyond Awareness to Action, by Michelle Farrigno Warren.  You can find the book here:

To bring the service to a close, and me to tears, we sang these words together as one voice:  Together by Nathan Grieser
“Difference is a place where God is found
In seeking peace we’re walking onto holy ground.
Lord I surrender.  Bring us together. Bring us together.” 

After the service, Amanda took me for a tour of the building.  We sat together in her office and talked about the church history, current challenges, and future dreams.  The love she has for CMCL shines through her kind and honest words, the light of passion in her spirit, and the sparkle and energy in her eyes.  I appreciated hearing how the church began as a branch off of Akron Mennonite Church. How they grew into their own artistic and creative current form.  How she was challenged with VBS responsibilities when very few (I think 2) people volunteered for the program, and she did most of the work herself. What commitment and dedication!  The hope for the future came from her involving the senior youth next year in the VBS planning, preparation and implementation. A great way to grow mentors for one another and teach the senior youth how to do church programming together.  A great learning experience. She is a gift to the congregation in many ways, and is a fine example of how the spirit moves when a passion and a calling are united.  

God has NOT called us to be perfect, He has called us to be faithful.  God has NOT called us to be all-knowing, He has called us to believe. God has NOT called us to live in the image of Christ alone, He has called us to be a witness to the world.  The whole world… no exceptions.  

I was inspired, felt love and witnessed peace in action.   What will you do to Bring The Peace where you are?

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